Le 13/09/03 14:40, "Richard Huggins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

> Diverting from your question, I'm curious as to what you think is your
> advantage in keeping these individual pieces all in one file? I've arranged
> --and engraved for the publisher-- four piano collections of 10-12 pieces
> each, and I can't think of any advantage, but CAN think of enormous
> headaches, in keeping them in one file.

Like Johannes, I like to keep collections in one single file, unless a very
specific situation where I don't know in advance the order of the pieces or
something else. I personally can think of many more disadvantages of working
with individual files than advantages. If it's the way you're confortable
with then ok. Speed and productivity is very important in Finale, and for me
having to open 12 differents files to export eps is in itself a real pain.
If the pieces stay in the same order, which is 95 percent of the cases, any
other reformatting will be just a few steps. Export eps, then automated
links in PageMaker et voilà! I really wonder what would be these enormous
It just reminds me of some guy I met who wrote a guitar method (almost 200
pages) with one file for every page. He wanted it with a nice layout and
obviously there were a lot of work (with every single file) to do to make it
look professional. I'm not sure he would ever have afforded what it would
have cost, because he though that all the work was already done.

Éric Dussault

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