On 13.09.2003 20:40 Uhr, Richard Huggins wrote

> Diverting from your question, I'm curious as to what you think is your
> advantage in keeping these individual pieces all in one file? I've arranged
> --and engraved for the publisher-- four piano collections of 10-12 pieces
> each, and I can't think of any advantage, but CAN think of enormous
> headaches, in keeping them in one file.

Eric has already listed some reasons, here are some of mine:

I like to be able to print booklets easily from Finale. Also, some of these
pieces are actually less than a page. Altogether it gives me the most
flexibility in terms of changing the layout.

I don't have to keep several documents uptodate with my articulation and
expression libraries. If I change a document setting I only have to do it
once. There are several things in Finale which you can do to the whole
document in one go, but which are a drag if you have to them on a page per
page basis.

I don't have to worry about getting page numbers correct.

I can easily print everything into one PDF and send it to the composer for
corrections. Takes me 10 seconds to do. If I had to print every page
separately and then assemble one PDF from them I think I would go crazy.


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