Well, I'm sure you have more than one program CD. I, for instance, have CDs for all versions 2000-2004. Also, it's not difficult to make a backup copy before sending out the original (if you actually wanted to buy Sibelius...). I think that their point of doing the whole "competitive upgrade" thing is for you to SWITCH programs, not just add to your arsenal of notation software.

FWIW, I agree with Dennis that the article should have been repeated; not to avoid ambiguity but to correctly say what it is they intended to say.

Brad Beyenhof

On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 09:51 AM, Richard Huggins wrote:

Okay...do they send it back? I mean, are there people that actually would
give up their original program CD (not getting it back)?


From: "David H. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The OR stops the modifier of "pages of the."

Proof of ownership must be provided by mailing (the first & second pages
of the table of contents in the user manual) or (original program CD.)

Richard Huggins wrote:

How would you provide "pages" of a program CD?


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