The juxtaposition of your final two sentences is curious -- would it be more impressive if you knew someone had spent two months on it? Would it be more impressive if you knew someone spent two hours on it?

I would think the appearance would make it impressive or not, regardless of how much time was spent on it.

Just a quick glance at it impresses me.

David Horne wrote:

On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 16:09:12 -0500, "Richard Huggins"

Several years ago I actually tried Graphire for awhile, even bought a key
for something like 90 hours or so. I forget what transpired but I decided
that wasn't going to work for me and I sought to sell the key to someone
else. The folks at Graphire went above and beyond to help me do that,
really it was out of their responsibility. Anyway, I can say that all my
contact with Graphire was positive and friendly.

The sample output images on their website are impressive.

They've had the same images on the website for many years. The full
orchestral score (Asia) looks new, but I wouldn't say it was impressive.
That is, I don't know how much work went into it.

-- David Horne |
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