On 12 Dec 2003, at 02:42 PM, JD wrote:

Finally. An intelligent, well-worded, well thought out, and non-emotional
view of the situation.

I'm sorry, no disrespect to JD or Brian, but this is reminiscent of a currently popular talking point among right-wing pundits that some of Bush's critics are "too shrill" or "too angry" and that they have abandoned "civility" -- the idea being that no matter how bad the situation, it's simply inappropriate to act pissed off about it.

Now, obviously I don't mean to imply that Coda are in any way comparable to the Bush administration. But Mac users -- heck,*anyone* with a stake in Coda's long term viability -- have every right to be pissed off about yet another delay. It's quite clear that, whatever the hurdles involved in porting to OS X, Coda drastically underestimated the scope of the project, and has only very recently decided to devote adequate resources to it. Evidently this problem began long before OS X was even released. Many of these problems could have been avoided if Coda had kept its Macintosh OS 8-OS 9 code up to date, but they chose not to. (Philip Aker can tell you all about this.)

The bottom line is that, for whatever reason, Coda's management did not take Mac OS X development seriously until about a year ago, which is why Finale will be among the very last -- possibly *the* last -- non-discontinued Mac application to be updated for OS X. The appropriate reaction to this is to be pissed off. I'm pissed off that I still have to dual-boot, I'm pissed off at all off Classic's flakiness (fine, not Coda's fault, except that we shouldn't still *need* to use Classic), I'm pissed off that I can't read WinFin2004 files, I'm pissed off that their OS X version will come over a year after Apple stopped shipping OS 9-booting Macs, I'm pissed off that whatever money they saved by cutting corners for so long, it can't possibly make up for all the customers they've lost because of this debacle, I'm pissed off that they've let Sibelius release *two* major OS X-compatible upgrades without having one of their own to show for it, I'm pissed off that FinMac 2004 may be too little, too late to stem the tide of Sibelius defectors, not to mention new buyers (would *any* Mac user with an OS X-only machine picking up a notation program for the first time even *consider* Finale right now? I sure wouldn't), I'm pissed off that Coda's atrocious management reflects poorly on its many talented, hardworking, dedicated employees -- who knew better than anyone that management was making a *huge* mistake -- and I'm pissed off that this massive screw-up may jeopardize the future of the best notation program on the market.

I'm sorry if that offends anyone's sensibilities, but I'm tired of people making excuses for Coda's management. They have been catastrophically short-sighted and it came back to bite them, hard. They are entirely responsible for this massive screw-up, and they deserve all of abuse that's been heaped on them, and then some.

- Darcy


Brooklyn NY

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