I'm pissed off that I still have to dual-boot,

- Darcy

So am I, but it's Apple I'm pissed at. Long after FinMac2K4 is on my machine, I will still have to dual-boot because of my numerous files created in (and still printed from) versions as early as FinMac3.2. OSX is a nice piece of whiz-bangery, but we didn't *need* it--it's nothing but planned obsolescence, exactly like auto design in the '50s. The failure of this OS to support older software is far more obnoxious than anything Coda has done.

"Classic mode" in its current state is a joke, as many here have noted. Even were it perfected, it would still be a pain in the butt unless it were possible to use it on the fly--that is, to switch from OSX to Classic and back again instantaneously, w.o rebooting--and I'm not holding my breath waiting for that. In fact, I expect the next generation of Macs to abandon Classic altogether--which means that my current swivel-screen iMac is going to have to last a long, long, long time.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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