On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 04:06 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

Is it a bug or a feature that grace notes on ledger lines get more space than grace notes on the staff? This means that if I have a passage in different octaves, the grace notes don't line up in the score.

Is there any way to get around this?

I've encountered this often. It never occurred to me that the ledger lines were causing the discrepancy; I just figured it as one more instance of general wonkiness in grace note spacing.

I'm frequently dissatisfied with what Finale's Music Spacing algorithms do to grace notes, so I'm in the habit of adjusting them in the Note Position special tool as a matter of course. It's simple enough to watch the Entry Offset number displayed in the corner and nudge one set or another to make them match.

The inconsistent Entry Offset numbers is where the discrepancy is introduced (and Apply Beat/Note Spacing is the culprit), so that's the proper place to correct it, without resorting to anything kludgy. You can accomplish the same thing dragging them horizontally in Speedy, but then you don't get to look at the values.


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