At 02:29 AM 12/19/2003, Mark D Lew wrote:
>Grace notes aren't
>attached to any beat other than the one of the subsequent big note, so
>there's nothing for them to align to.  All they can do is space
>themselves backward from the big note.

I believe you that this is how Finale currently handles things, but there's no reason why that should be so. Under Document Options | Grace Notes, we set a playback duration for grace notes. This means that they do occupy some of the EDUs in the bar, and that could be taken into account in spacing. Incidentally, if you playback one of these sections at a really slow tempo, you'll hear that the grace notes don't play back evenly either -- they play back according to where they have been placed in the measure, which means that there has to be more info available to Finale than just EVPU from the main note.

>It's not just ledger lines.  If you've got simultaneous graces in two
>layers and one set of graces has an accidental and the other doesn't,
>they're going to get off sync.


>Sure, it would be nifty if Finale was smart enough to look for grace
>notes on other staves so as to line them all up, but you can see it's
>not a simple matter.

I don't see how it's much more difficult than the note spacing Finale already does.

>in the piccolo part, the following big note has an accidental.  Do you
>really want the cello's grace note to be pushed way to the left as if
>it had an accidental there, too?

Probably, but I'd have to consult some other scores to see how publishers handle this.


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