I was looking forward to working with the new Simple Entry method, but it is so painfully slow, that I didn't last too long. I was back to Speedy.

On the issue of Panther programmable keyboard shortcuts, I had no trouble getting any custom mappings for menu items working with FinMac04 and X.3.1. I tried several submenus, including changing layers, selecting any particular Special Tool or Smart Shape without first selecting the tool, Speedy commands such as add dot, flip tie, etc., selection of chord style. In short, any menu command that is in any active menu or submenu. The menu heading flashes, and the result is as it should be if making a menu selection. So, it should work... ??? I'm not sure if I am doing anything differently. I can't remember exactly what it was that had no effect, even though the menu heading flashed.


On Jan 28, 2004, at 12:08 AM, Lon Price wrote:

I'm finding Simple Entry in FinMac 04 really annoying.
 Keyboard shortcuts have been changed completely, and
certain behavior is radically different.

1) When a note is entered it stays active until the
next note is entered.  This means that when I change
the cursor to the note value of the next note to be
entered, the note I just entered gets changed to the
new value!

2) Old behavior: I enter a B natural in the key of F
using the natural sign in the Simple Entry palette.  I
then enter a Bb on the same line or space, simply by
deselecting the natural sign in the palette.  In
FinMac 04 this is no longer the case.  If I want a Bb
after entering a B natural, I have to select the flat
in the palette.

I find both of these new "features" extremely
annoying.  I've been using Finale for nearly four
years, using Simple Entry as my primary method of
entering notes.  I know that many others prefer
Speedy, but Simple works for me, especially since it
has been drastically improved over the last couple of
years.  But I feel that Coda blew it this time by
over-improving something that was working fine for me.

Lon Price, Los Angeles

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