On 28 Jan 2004, at 01:04 AM, Tim Thompson wrote:

On the issue of Panther programmable keyboard shortcuts, I had no trouble getting any custom mappings for menu items working with FinMac04 and X.3.1. I tried several submenus, including changing layers, selecting any particular Special Tool or Smart Shape without first selecting the tool, Speedy commands such as add dot, flip tie, etc., selection of chord style. In short, any menu command that is in any active menu or submenu. The menu heading flashes, and the result is as it should be if making a menu selection. So, it should work... ??? I'm not sure if I am doing anything differently. I can't remember exactly what it was that had no effect, even though the menu heading flashed.


Try this: program a shortcut for Mass Edit (in the Tool menu). Assign the shortcut to the F5 key. Try it in Finale.

I see the "F5" next to the Mass Edit item in the Tool menu, and I see the Tool menu flash when I press the F5 key, but the tool does not change to Mass Edit.

It's the same with all of the keyboard shortcuts I have attempted to program in Finale. Also, I notice now that everything I programmed last time has now disappeared. Not that they were working in the first place, but perhaps this mysterious disappearance has something to do with why they aren't working?

- Darcy


Brooklyn NY

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