On Jul 9, 2004, at 12:56 AM, Giovanni Andreani wrote:

If you want to manually adjust, lets say, the right hook, dragging it's
handle to one side will not drag the other bracket's handle, so, the
overlapping is not always guaranteed.

The overlapping of the horizontal line always works. The vertical lines don't need to overlap. If you don't want a right hook on the left bracket, go into Document Settings > Repeat Endings, and make sure the value for "Length of Back Hook" is zero.

I already suggested that in a previous post, but perhaps you never saw that one. If that doesn't solve your hook problem, then again I don't understand what it is you're trying to describe.

I still 'ld like to know what the
sense of two overlapped brackets is.

The sense of two separate brackets is that they have two different functions and you won't always want both. If your second ending continues on, then you'll want just the left bracket and no right bracket. If your first ending is several bars long, you'll want both but not in the same bar.

Each bracket does its own kind of thing. If you don't want both, use just the one.

(If the back hook length isn't zero by default in the templates, then I agree that's sort of silly, since more often than not you won't want a back hook, and it's easier to add one than get rid of one. But if so, that's a flaw of the templates, not the program. Lord knows there's plenty of other dumb settings in Coda's templates....)


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