On Jul 10, 2004, at 2:20 AM, dhbailey wrote:

I sent a bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED] yesterday morning and there has been no response yet. It might help if you send a bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so they can see it really is a problem with some internal aspect of the program, not just the windows version.

Well, I can hardly send a bug report when I don't actually experience the alleged bug. Certainly not for something like this which I can barely even see as really being a problem. I mean, what's the absolute worst you're looking at here? You have to drag some hooks up to zero in an unusual case. Sure, it's a nuisance, but it's hardly earth-shattering, and it's not like you're going to have more than a handful of them in one piece, if even that.

It's really two different problems -- back hook setting to zero has no effect on the real back hook that comes with the repeat sign (but it DOES have an effect if you want to add a back hook to the line which opens the ending and has the number under it), [...]

Whoa, wait a minute! What you're describing is exactly what I experience. I see now that you and I don't have different behavior at all. It's just that you described it differently and I misunderstood.

What Finale calls the "back hook" is the right hook on the left-half-bracket (ie, the one that has the number under it). The right-half-bracket (ie, the one attached to the repeat bar) does not have a back hook. The thing that you're calling "the real back hook" isn't a back hook at all -- not by Finale's definition of the term anyway. It's a front hook.

Now if you want to say that Finale's "back hook" is a stupid and confusing term, OK, I'll grant you that, but the point is that what you're describing here is Finale behaving exactly as it should.

and then the problem with Finale changing the type of repeat we install if both opening bracket and repeat sign are in the same measure. Neither of these problems will probably be a nuisance to most Finale users, but they are aggravating when you DO need to create endings differently from what Finale prescribes.

As I understand it, there is one problem here, and that is that if you put a repeat bar without bracket, and then add a left-half-bracket to the same bar, Finale will automatically create a right-half-bracket and attach it to the repeat bar. OK, this is stupid on Finale's part, because even though you probably do want the right-half-bracket most of the time, you could just as easily have chosen it yourself and you don't need Finale doing it for you, and if for some reason you really do want a repeat bar with a left-half-bracket only, you ought to be able to have that.

But this occurs ONLY in a situation where you have a one-measure second ending which has a repeat bar at the end, and you want the bracket to have a hook on the left but not on the right. If that's what you want, then you will have to select the hook and nudge it up until it's down to zero length.

Now I'm not trying to make excuses for Finale's quirky behavior here, but this strikes me as an extraordinarily petty complaint. It only comes up when you want to do something non-standard, it's something which by its nature isn't going to happen numerous times, and the workaround takes all of about 15 seconds.

Besides that, as far as I can tell, no one here has ever actually wanted this result anyway. This discussion arose when Giovanni had a complaint about "double brackets". Unless I'm mistaken, he doesn't actually want an open-ended bracket over the repeat bar, which is what we've discovered can't be done by default. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe he said he does want the hook on the right, but he was confused because he was getting two of them. In other words, he's got the back hook from the left-half-bracket and the front hook from the right-half-bracket and for whatever reason they are misaligned. If I'm reading that right, then his problem is entirely different, and it's solved by simply getting rid of the back hook altogether by zeroing it out in the default settings (which I think should be standard practice for anyone who wants standard normal repeat brackets anyway).


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