At 12:56 PM 1/29/05 -0500, Christopher Smith wrote:
>When it comes down to it, why should ANYONE go to a live show?

Ain't that the truth. :)

I'm one of those who prefers to listen to recordings or watch films. To me,
live performances are the rehearsals for the recordings (as long as the
recordings aren't flattened by so many takes as to remove the musical
interest). There are good moments now & then in live performances, but they
tend to be extra-musical.

But recordings have been thrilling & rewarding and changed my life. In 45
years of going to concerts, I've never been excited or moved in the same
way. Of course, my musical experiences came from recordings, so maybe
that's why.

Improvisatory artforms are another matter -- that's where the composition
happens in real time. But if you're reading from a score or a script, give
me a recording any day!


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