Matthew Hindson Fastmail Account wrote:

Craig Parmerlee wrote:


Having said that, there are many subtle improvements in the basic product that, cumulatively, justify an upgrade IMHO. I haven't been keeping a list, but I've already come across a dozen or so things that make life easier is some small way, and most of these were not mentioned anywhere in the announcement hype, as far as I can tell.

Craig, it would be good for us who haven't yet seen 2k6 if you could list as many of these as you can remember?


OK, I'll start keeping track today. But when I say "subtle", I mean it. Many of them are like, "Hey, isn't that new? I don't remember that being there in 2005. That will save a little time." Some of them may be things that actually were there but I never noticed. Some may be pre-existing features that are now more intuitive because of some change in the way they are presented.

A few little things come to mind:
- On Speedy Entry, the target measure is highlighted. That little change helps me focus. I wish they would have done something to fix the problem reaching notes that have a lot of ledger lines.

- Context menus (right click pop-up) seem to have a lot more useful functions in them.

- New controls for default placement of articulations. Better than nothing, but I still couldn't get a scoop to play correctly with HP until I moved it manually.

- The startup wizard seems to be better at assigning the staves each to a separate MIDI channel. The Staff tool "insert staff with wizard" also offers this option, but it doesn't work. I will be very grateful when they fix that. I find the whole process of assigning MIDI tracks really annoying and unnecessarily cumbersome, That automatic assignment is the way it always should have been, at least as an option I have 32 channels in my hardware synth. If you're using softsynth, you can have 128. I don't see any reason why anybody would ever want to have two tracks dumped into the same MIDI channel these days.

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