Overtness is in the eye of the beholder ;)

Seriously - Elvis' early gyrations were inappropriately sexual in a very
overy way, to many people at the time.

It was only a few weeks ago I was chatting with a couple of high school
music teachers, about how farcical it is that the topic of 'protest
songs' is almost always taught without any reference to any rap music.
And how the curriculum avoids rap music entirely, with the only reason
we could see being that too many people shy away from the subject matter
(even though similarly-controversial topics get tackeld in drama,
English, art,...)

-----Original Message-----
Of Williams, Jim
Sent: 31 March 2006 17:09
To: finale@shsu.edu
Subject: RE: [Finale] music literacy

Was it as OVERT then as it is now???
Was there MTV available to have it in front of children in an engaging
format 24/7?
Just asking  ;-)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Owain Sutton
Sent: Fri 31-Mar-06 11:04
To: finale@shsu.edu
Subject: RE: [Finale] music literacy

I'm afraid that you do seem very much caught up in parental concerns
rather than musical ones.  None of your objections are substantially
different to those who criticised previous generations of music.

-----Original Message-----
Of Williams, Jim
Sent: 31 March 2006 16:49
To: finale@shsu.edu
Subject: RE: [Finale] music literacy

John, I agree in principle with your statement about the past repeating
itself, railing preachers, etc...but as the parent of a 16-year-old son
and a 12-year old daughter, I ask the following:

Did Benny Goodman's music regularly refer to women as "hos" and
Did Elvis's music openly advocate killing policemen?
Did swing music openly advocate sexual promiscuity with no regard to its
physical or emotional consequences? (well, I might have to concede some
Did Bessie Smith videos (yes, there are a few, I believe) feature her
3/4 naked and writhing in simulated orgasmic ecstasy?

As much as I may hate to admit it, I have come to believe that today's
"music" is indeed worse than it was in the past, and I find myself
struggling--as a performer AND as a parent--to cope with the current
stuff...or am I too caught up in today to see history properly?  Though
my kids are young, I am 54, so I have seen/heard a lot of the
(r)evolution leading to current trends.


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