At 3/31/2006 11:51 AM, Owain Sutton wrote:

>Overtness is in the eye of the beholder ;)
>Seriously - Elvis' early gyrations were inappropriately sexual in a very
>overy way, to many people at the time.

Was that ovary, or overly?  Is subliminal thought coming into play here ;-)

>It was only a few weeks ago I was chatting with a couple of high school
>music teachers, about how farcical it is that the topic of 'protest
>songs' is almost always taught without any reference to any rap music.
>And how the curriculum avoids rap music entirely, with the only reason
>we could see being that too many people shy away from the subject matter
>(even though similarly-controversial topics get tackeld in drama,
>English, art,...)

Is "rap" music? I don't think so, only in the way that African drum beats are music. To which I would vote "no" .

Maybe we need to back up another step and define "music"?

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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