dhbailey wrote:

Robert Patterson wrote:

Then, as now, almost all contemporary music was/is dross. ("Then" being whichever period, era, or style is your preferred poison.)

As with all creative efforts, Sturgeon's Law applies to music. Sturgeon's Law, originally coined to apply to written fiction was "90% of everything is crud."

We will know in a generation or two what really was a success, and what was not, as the successful stuff lasts, and the dross does not. Interestingly enough, the successful stuff is what is accessible to more than one narrow group, be that group age defined, geographically defined, or whatever.

Bach and Mozart survive, because even now they're listenable and evoke something more than ennui. The same goes for the Beatles. For me, at least, the vast majority of "Rap" and "Hip-hop" do not. Same goes for heavy metal, though.

What?!? Do you mean to tell me you're not listening to a cranked-up Vanilla Fudge even as you type this stuff? What's this world coming to! :-)

No idea, but some hand-cranked vanilla fudge sounds good right now.

What - you weren't taking about ice cream???   ;)


PS - My folks and I often agree on music, preferring jazz from Armstrong through Kubis, and a lot of classical. For modern stuff, the stuff that either sounds like someone attacking a cat with a chainsaw (heavy metal) or someone endlessly trying to find the right chord and failing (much other modern rock and roll) doesn't do much for us, but Beatles, BS&T, Tower of Power, Steely Dan, Doobie Brothers and that sort of thing works.

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