Scot Hanna-Weir wrote:
To sadly counter that argument, I submit the girl who sang at an all-state
solo/ensemble competition, Let's call the whole thing off. She sang it

   You say to-may-toh and I say to-may-toh
   You say poh-tay-toh and I say poh-tay-toh.
   To-may-toh, to-may-toh, poh-tay-toh, poh-tay-toh,
   Let's call the whole thing off...


Maybe we could say good performers wouldn't perform without being aware.

On the other hand, I don't think I've ever seen that song printed without the words being phonetically spelled: "tomahto" "tomayto" so perhaps the young lady was just incompetent.

David H. Bailey
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