What Dennis writes is exactly why traditional (i.e. old) classical music is not taken seriously by many thoughtful, intelligent listeners under 30. The museum mentality is stifling. From an outsider's perspective, an evening at the Met seems like a game of historical make-believe, put on at considerable expense for the exclusive benefit of today's aristocrats. (The ticket prices certainly reinforce that impression.)

It's actually easier to get young people unfamiliar with classical music interested in the work of living composers than dead ones, which is only natural since (as Dennis says) they also gravitate towards living authors, living directors, living photographers, etc.

My only quibble is with (what I perceive as) Dennis's distaste for pop, since there is a tremendous amount of serious, intelligent, sophisticated musicmaking going on in that world. It's hardly surprising that most young people looking for musical nourishment don't feel a need to look outside the boundaries of say, indie rock, when there's such a rich variety of challenging, creative music available under that rubric, and -- unlike 99% of "classical" concerts -- it feels important and contemporary, like it has something to say that is directly relevant to its audience in the here and now.

In my view, it's a waste of time for living composers to go after the traditional classical audience, who have proved time and time again that they do not want art that feels important and contemporary. What they want is the museum experience. (Which is fine, of course -- I love museums, too.)

But IMO living composers would do far better to go to audiences that actually *want* new stuff, like the indie rock crowd, and to try to communicate with them in a language that appeals to them, without compromising your own voice and without condescending to them. Simply presenting new music outside of the concert hall is a good start. This is what groups like Alarm Will Sound, Eighth Blackbird, ethel, Capital M, Anti-Social Music, and of course the Kronos Quartet have done -- to varying degrees and with varying degrees of success.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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