Many Tchaikovsky works (I recall the 5th symphony particularly) are notorious for having the rehearsal letters one bar before the phrase beginings. I don't know if it is a composer preference or a publisher-editor preference. Also, thanks for following up on the Shostakovitch 5th 3rd violin part. I asked four different 1st violinists, and none had any recollection (sigh). I would have asked our librarian, but she is in a tizzy now since our summer season was cancelled as of a few weeks ago and now is back on. Every time I have observed the three part violin section in that symphony, both when we played and when I heard a local community group play it, it was just as you described - the back approx 1/3 of both sections played the third part. It would seem, if that was the case, that the easiest way to print the parts would be to put 1+3 in the first part, and 2+3 in the 2nd part, and note that 3 is in both parts, and/or note the 2/3-1/3 divisi.

On 5/12/06 8:31 AM, "Christopher Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In the Shostakovich 5 I mentioned in a previous message, I noticed in
the score that the barlines at the rehearsal marks were quite thick,
about like Finale's thick barlines. It was remarkable because I had
never seen them before (except in incompetent Finale copying) and I
don't know what to make of them.

The rehearsal numbers (about every 4 bars or so) seem to occur in the
bar BEFORE a phrase beginning, which is extremely off-putting. The
editor is also inconsistent on this, sometimes putting a rehearsal
marking ON a phrase start, just to mess with our heads.


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