Tyler Turner / 2006/08/15 / 07:09 AM wrote:

>Calling unicode a "popular" feature request is sort of
>a relative statement. Is it requested by people? Yes.
>Is it requested as much as any of the major features
>implemented in Finale over the past few years? Not by
>a long shot.

That's not the point, tho.  All the OSes process data in UTF-8/16 now. 
Even Win2K/XP processes in Unicode even though their display is still MS
propriety code page.

It's not a question of just font but more in data processing.  Finale
has to be Unicode native in order to run natively on current OSes.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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