--- dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> When the head tech-support person calls something a
> "very popular 
> request" we can only assume that it is a "very
> popular request" and 
> there seems to be nothing particularly relative
> about that.  Unless they 
> rank things by some sort of scale such as "Extremely
> Popular" "Very 
> Popular" "Popular" "Not very popular" "Sporadic"
> "Extremely sporadic."

No, I don't have to assume that. I spent over 2 years
in customer support, and I have a very good idea about
how often this request comes up. Is it important to
some people? Yes. Is it important to 1/20th the number
of Finale users as playback improvements are? No.

> As to the linked score/parts, whether it was the
> number 1 request from 
> users or not, the moment Sibelius' marketing
> department began touting it 
> as a great feature of Sib4, I'm sure the Finale
> marketing department 
> began clamoring for it, and it seems that if they
> request something, 
> they get it.

Actually I believe the decision for this feature did
not come from marketing.

> So we only have to convince the Sibelius marketing
> department to make a 
> bigger splash about how Sib4 supports unicode which
> is a terrific asset 
> to those who work with vocal music, especially in
> languages other than 
> English.  That way the Finale marketing department
> will become more 
> aware of it and they would request it so they could
> tout it in the 
> publicity about Finale.  THEN we'd get it.

It should serve as a clue that they don't trumpet this
feature, despite the fact that it's an advantage of

Now I understand that this isn't really a meaningful
statistic, but for what it's worth:

A Google search of "Sibelius" "unicode font" returns
31 results. "Finale" "unicode font" returns 43

Comparing the activity on the forum from this year to
last year, there's not nearly as much interest in
linked parts as there was in Finale GPO, despite the
fact that there is a higher than normal concentration
of engravers there than is typical of the userbase.

This is consistent with what I would have expected to
see after 2 years of communicating with thousands of


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