shirling & neueweise wrote:

In the future, if you will be dealing with any orchestras in Germany, ask them what size paper and what size staves and margins and inter-staff space they want, and keep the printed response with you at all times.

yeah, it just pisses me off that they are so easy to throw it at you but don't mention it up front. it's just f***ing dirty pool.

These horror stories that people have shared in response to this post are truly apalling. Makes me glad I don't have to deal with orchestras at that level of expertise and snobbery.

i long ago came to the conclusion that an orchestra is not a musical body, but a political one.

As to whether it's a "law" or not, I find it hard to believe that the German government would have wasted time enacting any law governing the size and other specifications of orchestra music.

hmmm, you've never spent time in germany, have you?

Actually, I lived there for 3 years with my family when I was 6 to 9, so I was totally oblivious to any laws. :-)

But if it's a very real possibility, then it would certainly make sense for you to try to contact someone who is friendly and who lives in Germany so they can look up the law for you.

I agree with your remark on orchestras being political bodies and not musical ones. Not all orchestras, but the more I hear about the professional orchestra world, it seems that the higher up the orchestral food chain the are, the more this is true.

David H. Bailey
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