shirling & neueweise wrote:

i long ago came to the conclusion that an orchestra is not a musical body, but a political one.

Every group of humans larger than one is a political body. Orchestras are certainly no exception. Professional orchestras are beyond political: each one is a tribe. Anyone not in the orchestra is an utter outsider. It is important to remember this when visiting one in the capacity of composer.

John Howell wrote:
> So much for MOLA and their aging orchestra members (like me!)
> with poor eyesight!!

The MOLA guidelines are generally commendable, except for a couple of points. The last time I tried it, I believe I discovered 8.5 mm staves end up requiring Finale staff sizes to be around 100%. This is about the size of staves in childrens' piano primers. I have heard that one of the prime movers behind the guidelines was a long-time librarian of the Philadelphia Orchestra, who seems to have been allowed to incorporate some pet peeves into the guidelines. I have old eyes, and I play in a professional orchestra, and I have not seen any parts so ridiculously large. Finale 85% closely matches the B&H look that the MOLA guidelines seem (otherwise) to prefer. With Petrucci font, I also enlarged the notehead font size to 26, but that is overkill for Maestro.

The last time I looked at the guidelines, they contained a blatant math error. The guidelines specified a minimum image area of 8.75x11.75 on a sheet of 9.5x12.5. The guidelines stated one should leave a 3/4 inch margin all around. However, to leave a 3/4 inch margin all around on 9.5x12.5, the printed image would have to be 8"x11". I generally leave a 1-inch margin all around on 10x13 pages, producing a printed image that is 8x11.

Robert Patterson
Finale mailing list

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