Currently, the iMac uses the internal drive for the OS and a firewire drive for Finale and DAW stuff. I think the Finale temp files are going to the local drive.

The computer that I was talking about, with the 500 gig drive, is partitioned to have an OS and a Data partition. I try to keep the Data partition defragmented with SpeedTools and iDefrag. I did this on the old drive as well, but there is a noticeable difference in Finale and Digital performer with the new drive. I have a ii-V-I patterns thing I've put together over the years. It is something like almost 400 pages now. 12 systems a page, 4 bars each. It would take about 5 minutes before to go through a Data check in Finale with the file, now it takes less than that. A little over 4.

A-NO-NE Music wrote:
Bigger cache won't do anything to your DAW work since DAW file I/O will
be way bigger than cache can handle.  You might already know this but
OSX automatic defrag won't benefit to DAW work.

I bet your new drive has better access time.  Are you using both OS and
DAW on this new 500GB drive?  OS will definitely benefits from 16MB
cache, but you will have inconsistent performance for DAW unless you

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