On Mon, November 19, 2007 8:47 am, dc wrote:
> What cautionary accidentals would seem appropriate in the alto part, m.5,
> of this piece, bearing in mind that it is for three (solo) voices (1610,
> if
> that makes any difference):
> http://www.philomela.net/ex/deus.jpg
> 1) fa natural
> 2) e natural
> 3) both
> 4) none

Having for many years sung early music, I say both, parenthetical. It may
not be pretty on the page, but for 'listening' singers and singers who are
not focused on a narrow area of repertoire, the instant removal of doubt
is important. Did the editor forget? Do we stop and re-analyze to check?

I overindulge in parenthetical and even non-parenthetical courtesies in my
own work, and I think that has always influenced my level of doubt when
encountering the type of ambiguity you present. Clarity is good.


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