Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
On Fri, November 30, 2007 8:46 am, Robert Patterson wrote:
The best workaround I know of is to use the Independent feature purely
for "Time Signature for Display" and to use invisibie tuplets to get
correct alignment and playback.

This is an issue because I compose directly into Finale, especially this
year with deadlines on average every three days, and 19 more pieces to
write before January 1.

So these kinds of graphical workarounds just aren't acceptable for that --
it's gotta actually be what's happening in the composition process.

David Bailey, if you're reading, do those other hairpins play back (human
playback) without using a special definition box?

I haven't used those hairpins since they included smartshapes, so I don't know.

I'd suggest putting a small test score together and seeing how my suggestion works -- I remember that in the early days before SmartShapes, this was the only way to get different length hairpins and that was long before human playback. I think the built-in hairpins had playback defined so they did playback appropriately (but I may not be remembering accurately since I haven't used them since smartshapes were invented), so the copies which metatool assignment created played the same.

Heck, for all I know, they may have removed this capability all together, but if it's there it may be just what you need.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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