At 07:05 AM 12/11/2007, dc wrote:
>I also added a comparison of the PDF output at 1600%, which shows that
>Finale's lines no longer appear as a stack of thiner lines.

I'm curious about this. I've seen it discussed here several times, but I haven't paid full attention, because ultimately it didn't bother me -- the PDF printout still looks fine.

Is it possible that the appearance of several stacked lines is an artifact of some kind of Acrobat rendering error, similar to what we have discussed recently about Engraver slurs? I just opened up a Finale PDF and zoomed in on a section. As you noted, around 1600% the lines start to look like stacks of thinner lines. As I zoom in a little further, to 1800%, the effect gets worse. But at 1900% and above, the lines all look like solid lines again.

If these lines were really made up of stacked hairlines, I would expect those hairlines to stay visible at all magnifications above where they become visible. The fact that they change and then disappear makes me think that it's just some rendering issue at certain percentages.

Does anybody have more detailed information about this?


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