since 2007 finale updates the layout before printing: check your undo menu after printing. you are right that locking the systems will avoid this behaviour, but the spacing in some cases will be different post-printing in comparison to what you were looking at before sending to print, but this will only happen when your score NEEDS an update (you have changed some things that are not reflected visually until updating). i think it is always best to lock systems anyways, for various reasons, and always do so after doing the most basic layout planning.

I have had the page layout -- that is, the number of measures in a certain system, and hence the flow of measures across pages -- differ in the printed version from what appears on screen. Printing to PDF looks the same as printing to my physical printer, so it's not an issue with the print driver. The solution has been to lock all of my systems before printing, to make sure that there are no surprises.

I have assumed that this is some kind of rounding error in which the higher printer resolution compared to screen resolution allows Finale to squeeze one more measure into a line as it prints, thereby throwing off the flow of the following measures. I'd guess the conditions for this are fairly rare -- it requires a measure which could just barely be fit onto the previous system if calculations are made at at 600dpi but which would not fit if calculations are done at 96dpi. And I believe I've only seen it in Fin07. But I'm a little surprised that the Finale printing algorithm allows for any reflow at all, rather than just sending to the printer exactly what is seen onscreen.

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