Tyler Turner wrote:

Flexibility only works in Finale's favor if the implementation always makes
> it clear what the BEST method is in a given situation.

It just sickens me to see one MM employee or ex-employee after another try to justify what is plainly a bull-headed, arbitrary, and user-underestimating decision. I have yet to see a single actual, you know, *user* argue that we only need 4 staff lists. I've seen some say they can live with it, but that's hardly a ringing endorsement. (It will only last until the day they *can't* live with it.)

Clarifying usage is a far cry from feature confiscation.

Drag-apply is a very poor substitute for staff lists. Conversely, staff lists are a poor subtitute for drag-apply. They each have their different uses, and the Fin09 implementation has (successfully in my view) clarified the distinction.

All the more reason the arbitrary limit of 4 staff lists is pure feature confiscation.

Finally, I would remind Tyler that some of the worst abuses of staff lists were caused not by Finale's users, who may not collectively be so stupid as it seems MM gives them credit for. Rather, many of the worst abuses of staff lists were apparently caused by a bug in Fin08.

Robert Patterson

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