Well, something must be wrong with my system. I'm not getting context menus for ANY object now. I'm pretty sure that existed when I installed F2009. The latest thing I did was install the Garritan JABB library. I guess I'll have to reinstall Finale.

If I select one of these separator marks, there is nothing like hide/show or link/inlink in the text menu and there is no menu displayed if I right-click on the separator's handle. I don't find link/unlink or hide/unhide in any menu when I have the handle selected.

Darcy James Argue wrote:
Hi Craig,

Hide/show and link/unlink are both options in the contextual menu.

And I wasn't chastising you for not having already read the section on linked parts, merely recommending that you do so. Really. There are many aspects of linked parts behavior that can be non-intuitive at first, but the manual does an excellent job of explaining how things work and why they work that way. Your question is the same question everyone has when they first start using linked parts, including me. Then I actually read the documentation (something I haven't done much of since Finale 3.0), and all became clear.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 15 Aug 2008, at 11:10 PM, Craig Parmerlee wrote:

Well, the documentation is, what, about 10,000 pages? The linked part documentation is not the first place I would have looked. I would have been looking with futility in the text tool book.

At some point, I think it is fair put some responsibility on the software designers. If there is a property that hides or shows a text object on a linked part, that property should be accessible in the context menu (right click), as would be the case with any properly designed Windows application.

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