I went back and installed F2009 from scratch. Before doing that, I uninstalled F2007 and F2009 so there was no Finale on my system at all. After the fresh install, still no context menus when I right click.

Can anybody confirm that they get context menus on Finale 2009 installed on Windows XP?

Chuck Israels wrote:

Sounds like something is wrong to me.  Those things should be there.


On Aug 16, 2008, at 4:52 PM, Craig Parmerlee wrote:

Well, something must be wrong with my system. I'm not getting context menus for ANY object now. I'm pretty sure that existed when I installed F2009. The latest thing I did was install the Garritan JABB library. I guess I'll have to reinstall Finale.

If I select one of these separator marks, there is nothing like hide/show or link/inlink in the text menu and there is no menu displayed if I right-click on the separator's handle. I don't find link/unlink or hide/unhide in any menu when I have the handle selected.

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