On 13 Mar 2009, at 4:58 PM, dhbailey wrote:

I'm curious and not trying to pick a fight -- why do they look amateurish?

Because most publishers don't use dotted rests (except dotted eighth rests and smaller) in non-compound meters.

 And why do they look amateurish when dotted half-notes do not?

Because all publishers use dotted half-notes.

 Is it mainly because of tradition?


I'm really wondering about why we accept some things from notes which we don't accept from rests, such as quarter-half-quarter being perfectly acceptable when they're written as notes but not acceptable when written as rests. Why not?

I speculated about that in my last message. Again, I think it's about the psychology of note placement. In sight-reading situations, placing the attack in the right spot is (at least) 90% of the battle. So rests that outline the beat clearly help the sight-reader to visually and psychologically "plant" their attack.

At least, that's my best guess.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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