On 21 Oct 2009 at 15:31, dhbailey wrote:

> I eagerly await your lambasting Henry Howey for his comment 
> agreeing with my contention that we're all unpaid beta 
> testers only he went one step further and said it was 
> fundamentally dishonest.

I am preparing a reply right now explaining why it's an unreasonable 
position to take, and an unfair accusation.

I just don't understand what you think you're accomplishing by 
attributing to those working at MM nothing but bad intentions. We all 
know what the road to hell is paved with, but it makes a difference 
to me if people are acting in good faith.

And questioning the integrity and honesty of the only people who can 
fix Finale seems to me to be quite counterproductive (you think they 
don't read the list? Maybe they have stopped after being constantly 
pilloried as liars by people like you).

Last of all, I can tell you as a computer programmer that nobody is 
more concerned about the remaining bugs than the people who are doing 
the programming. They know far more than you do exactly what the 
problems are and how bad they are for everyone, and I am absolutely 
certain the folks working in the guts of Finale would love to be able 
to magically fix it all so it's just perfect and works exactly the 
way you want it.

In the real world, however, choices have to be made, and I'm certain 
nobody is happy about having to make these triage decisions.

But you can keep whining about not getting your magic ponies all you 
want. All that will happen is that the people who can actually fix 
the problems you are encountering will ignore you.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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