I this really has only very remotely to do with Finale. On the other hand it has to do with the Finale mailing list, so perhaps there will be some clever person here with some answers.

I currently use several email accounts as POP accounts. All the mail gets downloaded to my computer, and deleted on the server. On my computer the mail is sorted. so that Finale list mail goes into the Finale list folder and so on.

I have been living quite happily with this arrangement. Other than list mail I don't usually delete mail at all, and I keep all these emails in my email application. I estimate the amount of email on all my accounts, including the complete sent-mail folders (which I never empty, so I still have every single email I ever wrote) to be around 50000 emails. Add to that the Finale list, which I erase sporadically. Usually I empty the folder after a few months, but I have been lazy lately, so it has filled up with almost 10000 mails. I have a few other mailing lists I subscribe to, but none as active as Finale.

Now something has changed: Santa gave me a nice little iPhone, and I am happily writing emails from it, too. And questions came up. Would IMAP serve me better?

One of the reasons I started thinking about this is the Finale mail which I'd love to at least sort into a folder. The only way to do this on the iPhone is to use IMAP and do it on the server. I can work out how all of this functions, but surely it is not practical to keep thousands of emails on the server?

Is there a way to have IMAP emails live on only on my computer after a certain period of time, say a few days for Finale, and perhaps a month for personal email, yet never lose anything completely?

Perhaps I am missing something, but does IMAP allow me to use it like POP with only added convenience, or am I then required to keep everything on the server all the time?

Perhaps someone with similar needs can give me some advice.

Finale mailing list

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