Am 10.01.10 20:32, schrieb Eric Dannewitz:
Well, what are you using that isn't a Monopoly? Apple? Microsoft?

Monopoly of technology, yes. But Google is about to have a monopoly of information. Some of that information is actually personal. I know they haven't used it to our disadvantage - yet. Who knows who will eventually own Google and do things with this knowledge about us which we didn't anticipate?

Incidentally this weeks title story in "Der Spiegel", the most important German news magazin, is about Google and their wisdom about us. They basically know everything about me, and I personally prefer not to let them have my personal emails as well.

Google, to me, seems a bit like 1984 come true, only it isn't the government (yet) who is watching us, it is a private company. Is that any better?

Ok, I didn't want to start a long and biased discussion about Google here, so ignore my comments...;-)

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