One thing you have to do (which I found out the hard way) you have to have ALL staves visible. If you run it on a linked part, or in the score while a staff set is showing, it won't work.

AFAICT (as far as I can tell) it works very well still, but linked parts (surprise!) are a problem.


On Sun Feb 21, at SundayFeb 21 7:36 PM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

does anyone use this plugin at all? i ran it on a one measure, 2- staff score (new doc no libraries) and it came up with errors. are there any specific settings that are problematic? i tried changing a number of things but it isn't working.

if i end up doing this manually, does anyone have a task order list they could offer? i have to admit i have never had to do this, as i have principally done performance scores for small ensembles or worked on orch parts that were already on as many staves in the score as there were parts. and the times in the past i had to really split parts combined on staves, TGTools worked amazingly. but that was many versions ago...

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