On 4/19/2012 1:19 AM, SN jef chippewa wrote:
>>   >>  "Extract Parts" would NOT save as [filename+partname+ whatevr] - I
>>   >>  had to manually name each part.
>> There is a standard option for extracting parts, and it has been
>> there for many years.  It existed as a menu option but never worked.
> i think i have extracted parts maybe once since the (admittedly
> faulty) implementation of linked parts (F2007), but just had a quick
> look at the dialogue in 2010.  what is the issue you are having
> exactly?  i just tried this and it seems to work fine.

It works fine for you.  Many thin gs apparently designed into the 
program do not work on this computer.  Probably all of the bugs I am 
having issue with are on this computer, but getting that fixed would be 
more trouble than it is worth.

>> If it consistently does the wrong thing, it's a bug.  I could send
>> you files, but instead I will just revert to 2010, which works just
>> fine.
> well, if there are such serious bugs as you mention they should also
> be checked and documented, and sent to MM.  i would encourage you to
> send the file to christopher for checking.

I have doubts it is the fle - it is almost certainly the program, as 
installed on this machine.  And as I used the default settings here, 
there is probably some conflict with my other software that is causing 
it, and I'm not willing to change programs that work to possibly help 
one that doesn't, especially if I have an alternative that DOES work.

>> The only option I would like that 2010 doesn't have is to hide
>> staves in the piano part, and I am used to doing that with a
>> T-square and x-acto knife.
> hein?!?! once the system is optimized you can remove any staff by
> selecting the lower handle at the start of the staff (staff tool) and
> "deleting" it (from appearing in the system).  despite my own
> criticisms of the programme i have never come across something that
> could not be resolved somehow in the file itself.  knife and ruler...
> sheesh, sounds so... 1980s.  notation in the dark ages, barbaric =-O

As said earlier, I used that back in the 70's and 80's, before computer 
notation.  And now that I am back on 2010, it is not necessary any more. 
  I only did a dozen or so scores in 2012 before I gave up on it, so 
there is little damage done, and for those clients that still want stuff 
in 2012 format, that can be done by just opening there and saving in a 
new folder.

>>> It is just FULL of bugs and errors.  2010 works, 2012 does not - it
>>> takes more effort to do what 2010 did effortlessly.
> could you list a few more of these bugs?
> cheers,
> jef

Hmmm...  trying to get away from them.

One of the more annoying ones was that every time I opened FinWin2012, 
it would ask if I wanted to use the .bak extension for Finale, as 
Photoshop uses it for something else.  No matter how many times I said 
"Yes" and checked the "Don't ask again" box, it still came up EVERY 
TIME.  Very annoying.

Then the 'save as' problem when extracting parts (which I have to do a lot).

The page size glitch.

The piano optimization/hiding empty staves problem (Almost all of what I 
do is big band music.  For those who don't do much of this - the piano 
part is usually a few bars of clear notation to establish a pattern of 
interpretation, followed by many measures of just chord changes.  The 
end is often more clear notation, and there is occasionally something in 
the middle.  But in a 200-250 measure piece, there might only be 20-30 
bars of grand staff needed, and empty bass clef staves waste a lot of 
paper and cause page turn problems for my piano player).

Those are the most egregious.


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