>But having spent entirely too much time trying to figure out what 
>some orchestrator for a Broadway show actually wanted to hear, when 
>some weird indication for playing a harmonic just doesn't make any 
>sense, I'm quite happy to see what they've provided, and I suspect 
>that others who are not string players will appreciate it, too.

this i agree with in principal, there is of course no justification 
for using any other *way* of notating the harmonics than they outline 
and the appropriate fingers should be rapped for notating otherwise.

my issue here (in relation to the harmonics section of the 
"guidelines") is the limitation of scope.  i find it deplorable, in 
fact, for a university.  you would think they are encouraging their 
composition students to write at a level of highschool band or 

>Avoid large meters of 7, 8, 9, or more beats in a bar. [...] Players 
>sometimes get lost when following a conductor through measures with 
>seven or more beats.

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