On Wed, October 31, 2012 10:41 pm, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> Do the musicians in your circles genuinely feel that "Phrase-beaming is more
> legible than a clutter of accents"? Because I've honestly never met a single
> musician who believes this. Every instrumentalist I've ever talked to about
> this issue absolutely *hates* phrase-beaming

No, I have never once had a complaint or a missed note because of phrase
beaming. And they certainly do complain loudly about other stuff. Maybe
they're just used to seeing it. Heck, a large youth orchestra didn't slip up
at all a few years ago when they had different phrase beaming in each
orchestral choir in irregular measures. I had two commissions go out in the
past month with phrase beaming, and the players are working away without a
peep about that aspect of them ... plenty of peeps about asking the
percussionist and harpist to sing and whistle and make various mouth sounds
while playing, I must admit.

Guess I'm too old to worry who gets their knickers in a twist because it
doesn't look like what's in their dog-eared exercise books. (Maybe there
should be better exercise books.)


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