You sound like a perfect candidate for the Akai LPK25.  $43 and change
at Musicians Friend.  If you have a Guitar Center in town they should
match that price if you show them the site:


Raymond Horton
Bass Trombonist, Louisville Orchestra
Minister of Music, Edwardsville (IN) UMC
Composer, Arranger

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Phil Buglass <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have one of those cheapo roll-up
> keyboards.  I've had it for quite a while, but
> never tried it out.  It's a bit too long, and
> droops off my desk, for one thing.   I have been
> thinking of getting a small keyboard for
> inputting to Finale.  I don't play piano, but I
> can play one line at a time.  Anyway, before
> spending any more money, I decided to try out the rubber one.
> It works, or at least it plays by itself.  Finale
> refuses to recognise it, though.  Windows
> recognises it as a generic usb midi controller,
> but for some reason the signal isn't being taken by Finale.
> One thing is, the usb/midi cable I have has a
> fork with in and out midi connectors on it.  The
> keyboard only has a single midi port.  If I plug
> one end of the Y in, the led on the doodad
> flashes, but it flashes as input.   I assume that
> it is talking about input into the keyboard, but
> I could be wrong.  It has happened once or twice
> before!  If I plug the other end in, I don't get
> either light flashing.  In both cases, it is
> playing the notes itself, but the program isn't interested.
> Like I said, I don't really care if this one
> works or not, but I don't want to spend money on
> a better one, if I can't get it to work.
> In the audio setup dialogue, I have input set to
> directsound - if I use ASIO, I don't get any
> output from the program at all.  For mike source,
> I have it set to primary sound capture driver -
> the only option.  When I come back into it, this
> field has usually set itself to blank.
> Is there some esoteric setting somewhere that I
> am missing?   The user guide is not a lot of help on this subject.
> I tried a midi controller some years back, and
> returned it because my cakewalk would not
> recognise it.  Oh, and it also had about 2 seconds of latency!
> Any advice welcome...
> Phil.
> “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend.
> Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” ­ Groucho Marx
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