On 9/17/2013 7:30 AM, Steve Parker wrote:
> Maybe I'm alone in not wanting every program to do everything..
Again I would look at the parallel in the DAW universe.  DAWs, per se, 
don't do that much.  They are essentially "frameworks" that provide a 
basic set of capabilities needed by anybody involved with recording or 
interactive composition.  But the real power comes from the add-ons in 
the form of

* plug-in synthesizers
* sample libraries
* plug-in effects
* libraries of loops

This is 3 or4 orders of magnitude beyond what the notation programs do 
with their scripting.  In the DAW world, the add-ons are a major 
industry.  I know lots of people who spend maybe $400 for the DAW, but 
have spent $5000 in various add-ons.

Most of the really powerful function comes not from the DAWs but from 
the add-ons.  We can thank Steinberg for much of this because they 
invented the VST architecture that enabled a lot of that.  It really is 
an open marketplace, not unlike the universe of Andriod or iPhone apps.  
That is how you get an explosion of capability.  Open frameworks.

If a colleague wants to use a plug-in that can analyze a recording and 
remove the reverb (a truly impressive feat), he or she can do that.  If 
you have no need for that, there is no need for me to insult my 
colleague or view him in any way as a competitor.  I simply don't care 
what plug-in choices my DAW colleagues make.  I am happy for everybody 
to have their choices.

We seem to have something of a Stockholm Syndrome that has developed 
inside the notation world where a there is a sizable faction that is 
very hostile to any open-ended thinking because they view it as an 
obstacle to getting their favorite 10-year-old bug fixed.  I would 
simply observe that every significant commercial program I have ever 
owned has had bugs.  For me, the ones that have the least annoying bugs 
tend to be the products that are driving forward aggressively because 
they have the most revenues coming in, some of which can be used to fix 

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