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On Dec 02, 2003, at 17:45, TheSin wrote:
Also on a side note I'm working on fink remove -d pkg which will remove a pkg and all it's deps, this will need some what of a new dep engine, and I'll be able to make a fink deptree pkg using the same engine, are there any suggestions/requests before I start this?

I have started a project to replace the Fink dep engine with a more generic one, called libfinch, and have already begun a perl interface to my library. I am developing the project on SourceForge at <http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/libfinch>. I currently do not have much time for this project, but I am planning to work on it for a "Senior Technology Project" next year, and I will have much more time then. There is a new set of packages on the package submission tracker, ID 843416, that provide generic version management, with interfaces in Obj-C, C, and Perl. The libraries must be installed with libibrary first, libfinch second, and Finch (Perlmod) third. All assistance is welcome, just email me privately if you want to help. At <http://www.tjhsst.edu/~kmoffett/Services.pm.diff> is a patch to a (somewhat) recent CVS Services.pm which replaces the version comparison with my faster libfinch (C) library. It isn't much, but I am working on adding "version ranges", "version sets", and "associative version sets" which allow the creation of arbitrary groups of versions. The "associative" sets allowing the association of arbitrary Objective-C (and later Perl) objects to any subset of versions.

If somebody with CVS access could look at the packages for me, I'd really appreciate it, I posted updates several days ago but haven't had a response yet.

Kyle Moffett

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