On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 10:59:09AM -0500, David R. Morrison wrote:
> I would appreciate receiving testing reports about tetex-texmf-2.0-3 (which
> has been in the unstable tree for a while), and tetex-2.0-5/tetex-base-2.0-5 
> (a new revision was just added to the unstable tree moments ago).
>   Thanks,
>   Dave


here is my list:

dpkg -l \*tex\* | grep ^ii
ii  auctex         11.13-1 
ii  detex          2.7-2  
ii  latex2html     2002-4  
ii  tetex          2.0-4  
ii  tetex-base     2.0-4 
ii  tetex-shlibs   2.0-4
ii  tetex-texmf    2.0-3
ii  texpower       0.0.8h-1

I recompiled various papers and so far no problems. I'm heavily
using latex2html and texpower, and from what I can see they work
fine. ifmslide and pdfslide work too. 

2 things, though:

- I couldn't install pdfscreen because of a dependency on
'ctan-other-misc' in the info file.

- when running mktexlsr I ended up with an ls-R file in my
personal texmf tree. I'm not sure this is the intended behavior,
especially because the resulting ls-R file belongs to root.

Thanks for the great job!

Ettore Aldrovandi
Department of Mathematics          - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Florida State University           - http://www.math.fsu.edu/~ealdrov
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4510, USA    - +1 (850) 664-9717 (FAX: 4053)

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