Ok, I did the test on the mac and I confirm that using the geometry
package works for me, but I also seem to have problems with fink's gv.
Both the .ps and the .pdf files I get don't show up correctly in gv.
However they are indeed in landscape format. I can visualise the pdf
correctly using xpdf, acrobat reader and preview. The ps shows up in
landscape format in MacGhostViewX.
I am using Gerben Wierda's tetex and I have both fink's and GW's
ghostscript. I think that gv is using fink's version whereas GW's
version should be used by MacGhostViewX.


On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 09:43:25 -0800 (PST), "Vivien Mary Kendon"
> [Two replies in one here: Stefano see below]
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Martin Costabel wrote:
> > On lundi, fév 17, 2003, at 14:22 Europe/Paris, Vivien Mary Kendon wrote:
> > 
> > > This probably isn't a problem with the fink side of the tetex
> > > distribution, but since we are discussing it, I thought I'd try asking
> > > anyway.  I can get perfectly good landscape ps output from my latex
> > > document, but I can't get landscape pdf output from it.
> > 
> > I think it is not completely out of topic here, because it is an old 
> > problem, and the possible solutions depend heavily on the precise 
> > version of tetex installed.
> Oh dear, this is clearly a seriously advanced black art.   
> And I'm only a beginner in it it would seem...
> Your method does not work for me.  If I replace my preamble with yours
> and
> follow your recipe I get a couple of latex errors (it doesn't like the
> a4paper option and mutters about magnification), and end up with a pdf
> file containing a couple of blank pages, then my slides start on page 3,
> but they are about a6 size, correct orientation, with a black box around
> them, sitting in the middle left of an a4 portrait page!  (At least, I
> trust that isn't what you thought I'd get?!)
> If I don't replace my preamble, then your landscape_90.ps does nothing,
> I get a portrait page with cropped-on-the-right landscape content.
> If I use the file /sw/share/ghostscript/8.0/lib/landscap.ps instead of
> yours, I get the contents rotated by 90 degrees so it would fit portrait,
> but also offset so the bottom edge is in the middle of a portrait a4 page
> and cropped on the top (now right) at the edge of an a4 portrait page.
> But I get it in a _landscape_ a4 page so it is also cropped on the right
> (now bottom) edge!  (But maybe I haven't commented/uncommented the right
> things in that landscap.ps file yet...I'll work on it.)
> Gawd...anyone else want to pile in?
> Ahh, Stefano does:
> > From: Stefano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > A way of getting the pdf in landscape format is to use the "geometry" 
> > package in latex with the landscape option, i.e.
> > \usepackage[a4paper,landscape]{geometry}
> > Then use your same commands to produce the file Land.ps and then just 
> > ps2pdf Land.ps. This should give Land.pdf in landscape format. 
> Nope, didn't for me.  Landscape content, portrait pdf page.  Viewed in gv
> and in Preview.
> BUT, just found out part of the problem is with gv viewing pdf: I tried
> one of my earlier tests in Preview and it comes out correctly!! (But is
> badly cropped and aligned in gv.)  Yeah!!  Now I have to figure out
> _which_ test that was %*|  And test in some more viewers...
> Thanks for all your suggestions thus far...I'll report back if I can
> figure out any pattern to what seems to work and not work after further
> testing.
> -- Viv
> > I have found a method that works for me?, but I don't pretend it is the 
> > most professional one. Here is what I am doing:
> > 
> > Preamble starts:
> > 
> > \documentclass[a4paper]{seminar}
> > \paperwidth 219mm  \paperheight 312mm
> > \slidewidth 264mm  \slideheight 170mm
> > 
> > Then I do latex TEXT.tex, and for dvips I use the following:
> > 
> >    dvips -o TEXT.ps -h landscape.ps TEXT.dvi
> > 
> > The essential trick is the little file landscape.ps. It lives in 
> > ~/Library/texmf/dvips/misc/ and is actually a symlink to one of two 
> > different files depending on which machine I am.
> > 
> > On the machine with Fink's recent tetex, the slides need to be turned 
> > by 90 degrees, and landscape.ps points to the file landscape_90.ps:
> > 
> > %%%%  landscape_90.ps  %%%%%
> > /_sys_showpage /showpage load def
> > /showpage {
> >          [{ThisPage} <</Rotate 270>> /PUT pdfmark
> >          _sys_showpage
> > }bind def
> > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > 
> > For earlier versions of tetex, the "270" had to be "90", because they 
> > turned the other way.
> > 
> > On another machine with GW's teTeX, the slides are upside down, and 
> > landscape.ps points to landscape_180.ps which is the following:
> > 
> > %%%%  landscape_180.ps  %%%%%
> > /bop-hook {
> > gsave clippath pathbbox grestore
> > 4 dict begin
> > /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def
> > 180 rotate urx neg lly -2 mul ury sub translate
> > end
> > } def
> > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > 
> > Then I use ps2pdf without any decorations
> > 
> >    ps2pdf13 TEXT.ps
> > 
> > and it works. Don't ask me why :-)
> > 
> > One perpetual problem I am having have with tetex updates (nothing to 
> > do with landscape slides) is that each time the default voffset 
> > changes. After almost every update, my text is either 1 inch too high 
> > or 1 inch too low on the page, and not even the same on different 
> > machines. I got used to edit the "O" option in the file 
> > ~/Library/texmf/dvips/config/config.ps every time.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Martin
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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