After some more tests, I can report that the problem seems to be with gv
and not with the various methods of generating pdf output in landscape

The simplest method does work for any other viewer I've tried apart from

dvips -t landscape

Note that the ps output looks correct in gv, it is just the pdf output
that does not.  And xdvi -paper a4r will view the dvi file correctly.

Stefano's geometry package method works just as well as that single
documentclass-with-options preamble (I wonder if it _is_ exactly the same
underneath?)  I didn't test thoroughly with Martin's method (since it
messes up my pages if I change from slides to seminar class).

I am using fink's new (2.0-5) tetex and ghostscript 8.0 and gv 3.5.8-5
(supposedly latest and stable).  Since gs correctly produces the pdf
output that works everywhere except in gv, that does suggest that gv is
where the problem lies, but I don't have anything else that uses gs 8.0
to test with.

However, I do have a sun to test on:  the following versions of gs, gv do
work there:

Aladdin Ghostscript 5.50 (1998-9-16)
Copyright (C) 1998 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.  All rights

gv 3.5.8

And on a linux (Redhat) PC, the following does NOT work (same problem as
on mac):

GNU Ghostscript 6.52 (2001-10-20)
Copyright (C) 2001 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.

gv 3.5.8

So maybe could be a gs problem (GNU gs cf Aladdin gs) ??
On my mac G4, when displaying the pdf file gv calls gs as follows:


This is exactly the same as when displaying the ps file.

ps2pdf calls gs thus:

gs -dSAFER -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-sOutputFile=qrwtest.pdf -dSAFER -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -c .setpdfwrite

I'm out of my depth trying to figure out whether those options are to
blame or whether the problem lies elsewhere.  

Many thanks to all who've made suggestions!

I'm Ccing the gv maintainer (Jeffrey Whitaker) to make sure the info gets
passed on to him, but since there's a perfectly good workaround (use xpdf)
I'm not expecting replies or action...especially since the linux system
has the same problem, suggesting the cause is not with the fink versions.

-- Viv

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Stefano wrote:

> Ok, I did the test on the mac and I confirm that using the geometry
> package works for me, but I also seem to have problems with fink's gv.
> Both the .ps and the .pdf files I get don't show up correctly in gv.
> However they are indeed in landscape format. I can visualise the pdf
> correctly using xpdf, acrobat reader and preview. The ps shows up in
> landscape format in MacGhostViewX.
> I am using Gerben Wierda's tetex and I have both fink's and GW's
> ghostscript. I think that gv is using fink's version whereas GW's
> version should be used by MacGhostViewX.
> Stefano
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 09:43:25 -0800 (PST), "Vivien Mary Kendon"
> > [Two replies in one here: Stefano see below]
> > 
> > On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Martin Costabel wrote:
> > 
> > > On lundi, fév 17, 2003, at 14:22 Europe/Paris, Vivien Mary Kendon wrote:
> > > 
> > > > This probably isn't a problem with the fink side of the tetex
> > > > distribution, but since we are discussing it, I thought I'd try asking
> > > > anyway.  I can get perfectly good landscape ps output from my latex
> > > > document, but I can't get landscape pdf output from it.
> > > 
> > > I think it is not completely out of topic here, because it is an old 
> > > problem, and the possible solutions depend heavily on the precise 
> > > version of tetex installed.
> > 
> > Oh dear, this is clearly a seriously advanced black art.   
> > And I'm only a beginner in it it would seem...
> > 
> > Your method does not work for me.  If I replace my preamble with yours
> > and
> > follow your recipe I get a couple of latex errors (it doesn't like the
> > a4paper option and mutters about magnification), and end up with a pdf
> > file containing a couple of blank pages, then my slides start on page 3,
> > but they are about a6 size, correct orientation, with a black box around
> > them, sitting in the middle left of an a4 portrait page!  (At least, I
> > trust that isn't what you thought I'd get?!)
> > 
> > If I don't replace my preamble, then your does nothing,
> > I get a portrait page with cropped-on-the-right landscape content.
> > 
> > If I use the file /sw/share/ghostscript/8.0/lib/ instead of
> > yours, I get the contents rotated by 90 degrees so it would fit portrait,
> > but also offset so the bottom edge is in the middle of a portrait a4 page
> > and cropped on the top (now right) at the edge of an a4 portrait page.
> > But I get it in a _landscape_ a4 page so it is also cropped on the right
> > (now bottom) edge!  (But maybe I haven't commented/uncommented the right
> > things in that file yet...I'll work on it.)
> > 
> > Gawd...anyone else want to pile in?
> > 
> > Ahh, Stefano does:
> > 
> > > From: Stefano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > A way of getting the pdf in landscape format is to use the "geometry" 
> > > package in latex with the landscape option, i.e.
> > > \usepackage[a4paper,landscape]{geometry}
> > > Then use your same commands to produce the file and then just 
> > > ps2pdf This should give Land.pdf in landscape format. 
> > 
> > Nope, didn't for me.  Landscape content, portrait pdf page.  Viewed in gv
> > and in Preview.
> > 
> > BUT, just found out part of the problem is with gv viewing pdf: I tried
> > one of my earlier tests in Preview and it comes out correctly!! (But is
> > badly cropped and aligned in gv.)  Yeah!!  Now I have to figure out
> > _which_ test that was %*|  And test in some more viewers...
> > 
> > Thanks for all your suggestions thus far...I'll report back if I can
> > figure out any pattern to what seems to work and not work after further
> > testing.
> > 
> > -- Viv
> > 
> > > I have found a method that works for me?, but I don't pretend it is the 
> > > most professional one. Here is what I am doing:
> > > 
> > > Preamble starts:
> > > 
> > > \documentclass[a4paper]{seminar}
> > > \paperwidth 219mm  \paperheight 312mm
> > > \slidewidth 264mm  \slideheight 170mm
> > > 
> > > Then I do latex TEXT.tex, and for dvips I use the following:
> > > 
> > >    dvips -o -h TEXT.dvi
> > > 
> > > The essential trick is the little file It lives in 
> > > ~/Library/texmf/dvips/misc/ and is actually a symlink to one of two 
> > > different files depending on which machine I am.
> > > 
> > > On the machine with Fink's recent tetex, the slides need to be turned 
> > > by 90 degrees, and points to the file
> > > 
> > > %%%%  %%%%%
> > > /_sys_showpage /showpage load def
> > > /showpage {
> > >          [{ThisPage} <</Rotate 270>> /PUT pdfmark
> > >          _sys_showpage
> > > }bind def
> > > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > > 
> > > For earlier versions of tetex, the "270" had to be "90", because they 
> > > turned the other way.
> > > 
> > > On another machine with GW's teTeX, the slides are upside down, and 
> > > points to which is the following:
> > > 
> > > %%%%  %%%%%
> > > /bop-hook {
> > > gsave clippath pathbbox grestore
> > > 4 dict begin
> > > /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def
> > > 180 rotate urx neg lly -2 mul ury sub translate
> > > end
> > > } def
> > > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > > 
> > > Then I use ps2pdf without any decorations
> > > 
> > >    ps2pdf13
> > > 
> > > and it works. Don't ask me why :-)
> > > 
> > > One perpetual problem I am having have with tetex updates (nothing to 
> > > do with landscape slides) is that each time the default voffset 
> > > changes. After almost every update, my text is either 1 inch too high 
> > > or 1 inch too low on the page, and not even the same on different 
> > > machines. I got used to edit the "O" option in the file 
> > > ~/Library/texmf/dvips/config/ every time.
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Martin
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> - I mean, what is it about a decent email service?
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