> Ultimately, it appears as though I can't populate the column list of a
> dataset without being able to create a Firebird connection (which makes
> perfect sense) but I can't do it.  Surely there must be a way to have
> the Firebird provider appear as a data source in the Change Data Source
> dialog.

> Surely other people must be doing this.

do allow me some warning on this.
If your application is determined to remain small, go ahead and try to
use the visual design-time stuff. But be warned that the code is next
to un-supportable in the future.

To see what I mean, either get the DDEX running (which might prove
quite a competition, also) and make one sample form, and then look at
the code generated behind (in the .designer.cs file). You probably
would not want to deal with that garbage again in 6 - 18 months.

design-time databinding might look more comfortable in the beginning,
but IMHO it is not the way to go for serious projects. Just so that
you heard that warning once :)

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