Discoverability isn't a large problem if it is documented well. Perhaps the
documentation for key bindings should mention, in a couple places, how to
set them the fishy way?

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 16:27, Axel Liljencrantz <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Many people have noticed various problems with defining fish key bindings
> in the config files. I have investigated this, and found the cause, which
> turned out to be in the shellscript infrastructure deployed by fish, not in
> the main fish binary.
> Specifically, what happens is this:
> 1). Fish loads its startup scripts, including bindings in the users
> file.
> 2). When the init code finishes, fish displays the prompt. The displaying
> of the prompt triggers an event handler for the __fish_config_interactive
> shellscript function.
> 3). __fish_config_interactive runs the function pointed to by the universal
> variable fish_key_bindings, which by default is the function
> fish_default_key_bindings.
> 4). fish_default_key_bindings erases all bindings created by the user and
> redefines it's own bindings.
> 5). Profit!
> In other word, the infrastructure set in place here will make sure any
> configuration made by the user in will be ignored. The original
> idea behind these key bindings is that the user should specify their key
> bindings in a function, and then, whenever that function changes, fish will
> notice and all running shells will reload their keybindings. In other words:
> redefine stuff in one shell, and all shells are updated at once. Coolness.
> But this scheme obviously has major discoverability issues. :~/
> So, I'm looking for suggestions on how to do things properly. Suggestions?
> Axel
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