On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 10:48:41AM +0900, Leonard Chin wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Axel Liljencrantz
> <liljencra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That should not fail, and doesn't seem to fail for me. By using the dynamic
> > function loading infrastructure, you get many advantages:
> I've narrowed it down to having $XDG_CONFIG_HOME set to $HOME, and not
> $HOME/.config

Of course changing $XDG_CONFIG_HOME will make functions defined in
config.fish not work.  Your config.fish is in
$HOME/.config/fish/config.fish and by changing $XDG_CONFIG_HOME to
$HOME, you've told fish to look at $HOME/fish/config.fish instead.

> Steps to reproduce (with an empty config.fish):
>  % function hello
>                      echo 'hello'
>                end

This function definition is local to the running shell.  The function
will not exist in the second shell you start regardless of whether you

>  % hello
> hello
>  % fish
> Starting fish
>  % hello
> fish: Unknown command 'hello'
> (Running on Mac OS X 10.5.6 using the macports version of fish 1.23.0)
> For reasons I've forgotten, I set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME to $HOME in my config.fish,
> but it turns out that tmux 0.6 automatically sets $XDG_CONFIG_HOME to $HOME.

Then tmux is broken.  It should be looking in the environment for
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME and using $HOME/.config if it's not present[0].

[0] - http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html
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