Yes, it is...thank you.

Bobby wrote:
> I didn't intend anything so complex.
> Part of Fish's design (from what i understand) is that the .config file
> bindings are overwritten by the function fish_default_key_bindings
> I was suggesting that when the config file is read, 'bare' bindings are
> special cased and added to the bottom of the in-memory copy of that
> function. This will let the simple case of bindings in the .config file
> work without breaking the advanced features intended.
> I was not advocating rewriting .config.
> I hope this is clearer.
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2009 15:03:58 +0100, "Goran Josic"
> <> said:
>> Does this mean that every time the fish_key_bindings are changed the
>> new bindings are written in the file?
>> What about the old binding in the
>> I don't know if Axel wants this and it doesn't sound simple to me. Can
>> I ask you to explain better?
>> Maybe I don't understand well this feature but it seems strange to me
>> that config file is ignored. It's great thing that you can change your
>> bindings in one shell and they are available in all others. But the
>> way the things are working now brake the common unix sense.
>> I think that the best way to resolve this problem is to make a command
>> that, once started by user, parses the and makes changes
>> available in all active shells. It seems quite normal to me that I
>> change my config file and then send some sort of signal (like killall
>> -HUP for apache) to fishd to make the changes effective.
>> Just my 2 cents.
>> Bobby wrote:
>>> Given that putting bindings in your config file is saying you want
>>> those bindings every time you start fish, perhaps they should be
>>> automatically put into the function fish_default_key_bindings on
>>> being read from config only, letting the intuitive method work but
>>> still allowing shell bindings to be overridden by the variable
>>> fish_key_bindings if the bindings need to be changed while in use?
>>> On Wed, 4 Feb 2009 01:59:14 +0100, "Axel Liljencrantz"
>>> <> said:
>>>> 2009/2/4 Myrddin Emrys <>
>>>>> Discoverability isn't a large problem if it is documented well.
>>>>> Perhaps the documentation for key bindings should mention, in a
>>>>> couple places, how to set them the fishy way?
>>>> Perhaps lots of documentation is enough. But it does seem very
>>>> intuitive that sticking binds into your main config file should
>>>> work...
>>>> Axel

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